Beginning Student Course (Single Payment Plan)

The home study course provides you with everything you need to start or refine your career as a piano technician.  Complete the form below and add this item to your cart in order to get started today as a competent piano technician.


Registration Details *


Includes the Randy Potter School Training Manual, Lessons and Examinations, Six 2-hour Training DVDs, Eleven (11) Auxiliary Texts including the Randy Potter School Apprentice Training Manual,  the “G” Piano Works Repair Labor Guide, The Mentoring Book and the Piano Technicians Guild Piano Action Handbook plus seven more texts.

Course also includes Vertical and Grand Action Charts, Manufacturers’ Piano Brochures, Manufacturers’ Technical Service Manuals, Apprentice Training Assistance, Semi-Annual Newsletters, Subscription to our TunEmail List, Lifetime Consultation Services, Use of the school’s Video/DVD and Audio Tape Loaning Library, Job Placement Assistance and Diploma upon completion of the course.

Beginning Students also receive a Vertical Action Model, Tuning, Repairing and Regulating Tools, and Repair Parts and Supplies.  (Students have the option to decline the tools, repair parts and supplies.)

Note: All course materials will be shipped in full immediately in one shipment.

Additional information

Weight 28 lbs
Dimensions 13 × 13 × 10 in
Course Option

Complete course materials w/ Tools, Supplies, Action Model, Complete Course without Tools, Supplies, Action Model