The Randy Potter School of Piano Technology offers the most complete home study course ever published. Students receive everything they need to become skilled piano technicians without ever leaving the house!
The course includes:
1. The Randy Potter School Training Manual, with over 1,000 pages covering:
- Tuning
- Repairing
- Regulating
- Voicing
- Apprentice Training
- Business Practices
- Manufacturers and Suppliers
2. Six Two-Hour Technical Training DVDs, taught by Registered Piano Technicians George Defebaugh, Jim Coleman, Sr., and Randy Potter.
- Introduction to Piano Service DVD
- Basic and Intermediate Tuning Techniques DVD
- Basic and Intermediate Repairing Techniques DVD (2)
- Basic and Intermediate Regulating Techniques DVD
- Using Electronic Tuning Devices (Sanderson Accu-Tuner III)
(Note: These are still available in VHS video tape by special request)
3. Eleven Auxiliary Text Books, written by Registered Piano Technicians Willard Leverett, Arthur Reblitz, Phil Gurlik, Ken Burton, Larry Fine and Randy Potter
- “G” Piano Works Repair Labor Guide
- The Mentoring Book: How To Be A Mentor – How To Be An Apprentice
- Different Strokes – Hammer Techniques for Piano Tuners
- The Business of Piano Tuning
- The Apprentice Training Manual
- …and more!
4. Tuning, Regulating, and Repair Tools for you to practice with and get started in your own piano service business
Basic Tuning Tools:
- Replaceable Head Tuning Hammer
- Sheffield A-440 Tuning Fork
- 4 Rubber Stick Mutes
- 2 Rubber Wedge Mutes
- 2 Continuous Felt Muting Strips
Basic Regulating Tools:
- Combination Handle
- Regulating Screwdriver
- Angled Damper Regulator
- Offset Key Spacer
- Bent Backcheck Regulator
- Spoon Bender
- Pointed Capstan Regulator
- Grand Drop Screw Regulator
- Grand Jack Screw Regulator
- Fleece-lined Canvas Tool Roll
Intermediate Regulating and Repair Tools:
- Square Capstan Screw Regulator
- Balance Rail Easing Tool
- Adjustable Voicing Tool
- String Lifter & Three-String Spacer
- Sandpaper File
- Cork Bridle Strap Inserter
- Center Pin Punch
- 3/8″ Key Dip Block
- Spurlock Key Bushing Wedge
- Pianotek Brass Key Bushing Wedge
- McCall VJ Lube
Additional Repair Parts & Supplies
5. Piano Manufacturer’s Brochures, Technical Service Manuals, and Specifications Charts
Familiarize yourself with what products are available in the marketplace today so you can make informed recommendations for your clients.
6. Action Model with Charts and Diagrams
- Randy Potter School Vertical Action Model
- Bšsendorfer Grand Action Chart
- Kimball Schwander Grand Action Chart
- Kimball Schwander Vertical Action Chart
- Sohmer Style 45 Vertical Action Wall Chart
- Sohmer S-2 Compact Action and Type B Drop Action Wall Chart
- Steinway Grand Piano Cross Section Wall Chart
7. Supplier Catalogs, Brochures and Wholesale Price Lists
8. Written Examinations and Audio Tuning Tape Evaluations
9. Access to our Video and Audio Loaning Library, including:
- Aural and Electronic Tuning Tapes
- More Repair and Regulating DVDs
- Using the Sanderson Accu-Tuner III
- Downbearing Techniques
- Business Practices
- Piano Appraisals
- Bösendorfer Factory Tour
- Kimball Factory Tour
- Seiler Factory Tour
- Wurlitzer Factory Tour
- Audio Tape Lectures from National PTG Technical Training Institutes
- New Titles Added Regularly
- Sanderson Accu-Tuner and Yamaha PT-100 Electronic Tuning Devices (short term use)
Note: Because of our commitment to upgrade the course materials as appropriate, and because many of these items are supplied by piano manufacturers or industry suppliers, specification are subject to change at any time, and without notice. The Randy Potter School assumes no liability with respect to inability to procure particular parts and supplies. Substitutions will be provided, when available.